Turning Challenges into Accomplishments

January 22, 2020

While it may seem to have arrived just a short time ago, 2019 has packed its bags and left the building.  We now only have reminders and memories of the year past and all that happened.  It’s time to move on and get used to writing “2020” when filling in the date.

Before heading blindly into the New Year, it’s always a good idea to look back at the past year and assess what was accomplished, what went unfinished and what went wrong. It’s also important to remember that no significant accomplishment was achieved without hard work, perseverance, and determination to overcome the challenges that were presented.

After reviewing the past year, it’s time to look ahead to the year before us and to remember that tomorrow’s accomplishments are today’s challenges. 

Each of us should be thinking about the new challenges we will be facing in 2020. These could include areas in our daily work, careers and personal life that may be presenting difficulties today. It may be an undertaking that seems overwhelming. Maybe your challenge is to win new business, get a promotion, excel at a new role, take on more responsibility or meet increased company goals. Maybe it’s more personal, such as taking a great trip, quitting a bad habit, starting a positive new habit, saving or making more money.

Many of us express worry or concern at the thought of a challenge, but this is the wrong perspective. Challenges, whether they be personal or professional, should be welcomed. 

Those who embrace challenges with confidence will be the most successful. Challenges allow us to grow both professionally and personally in knowledge, skill sets, attributes, and performance. Growth is necessary for success, and growth comes by taking on challenges.

Take the time to write down the challenges you may encounter in this new year. Then develop the goals and plans necessary to meet and overcome these challenges. This simple exercise will return significant benefits as you go through this new year.

This year promises to be very exciting. Look forward to the next 12 months, the challenges it may bring, and turn those challenges into accomplishments.


Brian T. King is the founder/owner of multiple businesses encompassing design, construction, real estate and manufacturing. A well-respected construction industry CEO, Brian enjoys offering guidance to young professionals, rising managers and entrepreneurs on a variety of topics – from personal and professional growth, to work/life balance – through his bi-weekly blog, national podcasts, and speaking engagements around the country.

Have questions? Looking for advice? Connect with Brian on
LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

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